Over 320 resources for the creative teacher that wants to constantly engage their learners. Mostly Science resources. (Some are 'paid for' but mostly free to download) however more whole school resources are being added all the time.
Over 320 resources for the creative teacher that wants to constantly engage their learners. Mostly Science resources. (Some are 'paid for' but mostly free to download) however more whole school resources are being added all the time.
an overview of my physics curriculum
Download my Physics curriculum map as well
Give to your students from January. Each day has a different question for them to work out for preparation and revision of the 1-9 GCSE.
Questions for combined, separate, F and H tier students. Dates are from Jan 2018 (so they may need to be slightly altered if you use in 2019 onwards)
Two planning sheets I have created to help compile my thoughts, research and notes in preparation for an interview.
Sheet 1: teacher - is for the classroom teacher
Sheet 2: leader - an extra sheet for those applying for middle and senior leadership
A to Z activity sheet for students to write key words and terms down from a topic that begin with each letter of the alphabet.
A to Z double has space on the back to draw an image representing the key word.
There is also an option not to have this.
Let me know your thoughts on twitter @TJohns85
Big fat quiz of the year 2010 for all year groups. Contains the answers as well.
16/12/10 2pm: August the mine collapse was Chile not Mexico (the answer of the ppt). So you will have to change this. Sorry.
This template contains 6 areas for a drawing and space to explain under them.
See my other foldables and shop here and me follow on twitter - @TJohns85
A plan using the idea of teachertoolkit that science teachers can use to help plan science practicals and investigations. This could be especially useful for new science teachers
This resource contains:
A Seneca Learning Questionnaire - to see how effective the resource is in your classrooms and schools
A tally chart - to record your questionnaire scores
The school certificates which can be downloaded also direct from Seneca Learning
This pack contains a question a day revision resource, a activity pack for pupils to do using retrieval and spaced learning and some helpful hints.
I have printed back to back as an A3 booklet as a handout for Year 11.
A simple grid resource that students fill in. Questions on one side and the answers on the other. Students can use the small grid at the bottom to give points (IE 1 point - shade in green) and shade in all the questions the student gives one point to in the same colour.
AQA Triology GCSE Physics Content, required practical, skills and calculations PLC:
The new trilogy physics content broken down into 'can do' statements. Teachers can RAG rate student progress to highlight strengths and weaknesses on this already formatted spreadsheet. All you have to do is put a number in and it will change colour automatically, saving you time and effort.
Also include is a required practical tracker, a trilogy Physics required practical assessment booklet, a physics calculation recall tracker and a general scientific skills PLC tracker.
PLC trackers are included for Force (motion), Forces (Interactions), Forces (Levers/Gears), waves, energy, circuit electricity, domestic mains electricity, static electricity, energy, magnetism, particle model, atomic model and radiation, key skill areas, calculations
This resource should help you track student progress until they master each element of the physics trilogy specification. The tracker will support written reports, inform students of the next steps and could even be used at parents evenings to inform parents of progress.
Match sure your KS3 Science students 'master' all the key ideas they need before they start on their GCSE journey. It will support conversations with students to what they have to do to improve/next steps as well as your report writing and parents evenings.
This PLC is already formatted with the statements/Can do/key idea statements all you have to do is add numbers:
1) can not do yet (red)
2) nearly there (orange)
3) mastered (green)
4) Away/absent for the lessons covering the key idea so need to catch up (grey)
This resources covers all Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics, as well as working scientifically and other key skills (EG: graph drawing, calculations and maths skills, homework quality).
You can also edit/add sections to suit your own teaching needs.
Questioning grid to develop higher level thinking skills and to differentiate questions. 9/4/14 - added a ppt version (copied from the original which was in a smart format. Apologies if this didnt work/open/download for you - hopefully this will)